The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students and staff. This includes protecting the privacy of student data and ensuring that it is used only for educational purposes. To this end, the LAUSD has implemented a Data Use Agreement (DUA) that governs the use of student data by third-party service providers and vendors.

What is a Data Use Agreement?

A Data Use Agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions for the use of student data by third-party service providers and vendors. The purpose of a DUA is to ensure that student data is used only for educational purposes and that it is kept confidential and secure.

Why is the LAUSD Data Use Agreement important?

The LAUSD Data Use Agreement is important because it helps to protect the privacy of student data. The DUA ensures that any third-party service provider or vendor that has access to student data is held accountable for its use and is required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

What are the key provisions of the LAUSD Data Use Agreement?

The LAUSD Data Use Agreement includes several key provisions that are designed to protect the privacy of student data. These provisions include:

1. Prohibiting the use of student data for non-educational purposes

2. Requiring the use of appropriate security measures to protect student data

3. Requiring the reporting of any data breaches or security incidents involving student data

4. Limiting access to student data to those employees or agents with a legitimate educational interest

5. Ensuring that any student data is destroyed or returned to the LAUSD at the end of the contract term

Overall, the LAUSD Data Use Agreement serves as an important tool to protect student data and ensure that it is used only for educational purposes. It is essential that all third-party service providers and vendors who work with the LAUSD understand and comply with the provisions of the DUA to maintain the trust and confidence of the community.