In addition, the ELECTORAL Commission SA also organises elections and ballot papers for other organizations requiring the appointment of an independent director. These elections are usually organized by mail and include the election of public servants to committees and boards of directors and the organization of votes on enterprise agreements. A bargaining representative is a person or organization that any party to the enterprise agreement can appoint to represent him during the negotiation process. An enterprise agreement is an agreement on eligible issues that are: the proposed enterprise agreement application must be submitted to the Fair Work Commission within 14 days of the agreement or within an additional time frame, as permitted by the Fair Work Commission. Employers, workers and their representatives are involved in the process of negotiating a proposed enterprise agreement. The employer must notify its employees of the right to be represented by a negotiator when negotiating an enterprise agreement (with the exception of an agreement on green grasslands) and no later than 14 days after the deadline for notification of the agreement (usually the start of negotiations). Disclosure should be notified to any current worker who is covered by the enterprise agreement. Negotiators are required to act in good faith in the process of negotiating a proposed enterprise agreement. The Fair Work Act 2009 provides a simple, flexible and fair framework that helps employers and workers negotiate in good faith to enter into an enterprise agreement.

An agreement is reached with a single company between a single employer (or more than two or more employers with a single interest) and workers who are employed at the time of the agreement and who are covered by the agreement. Employers with a common interest are employers who are in a joint venture or joint venture or who are related companies. They may also be employers approved by the Commission for fair work as an employer with a single interest, which can be either franchised or by other employers, if the Minister of Labour has made a statement. Each enterprise agreement must include a concept of flexibility with individual modalities of flexibility. A Greenfields agreement is an enterprise agreement for a new employer or employer business before the workers are employed. This can be either an individual enterprise agreement or an agreement with several companies. The parties to a Greenfields agreement are the employer (or employer in a Greenfields agreement with several companies) and one or more workers` organizations involved (usually a union). There are no employees who vote on a Greenfields agreement. This type of agreement must be signed by each employer and any relevant workers` organization it covers. Employers and their employees may agree to amend an existing enterprise agreement, but such an amendment has no effect unless it is approved by the Fair Work Commission.

The approval process includes an access period and a synchronization, as described above for new agreements, and GoVote can help in the same way. Most customers prefer to have access to the Enterprise Agreement and other integrated materials themselves. You must take appropriate steps to explain the terms of the agreement and its impact on staff in an appropriate manner for your audience. We can help by providing links to relevant documents directly on the voting site and adapting our communication as needed. The Electoral Commission SA carries out the entire electoral process in accordance with the organisation`s electoral statutes and/or rules. If the electoral rules are deficient, the Electoral Commission SA can give advice on established electoral practices and procedures, such as. B: Provide a list of electors, appointments, voting methods, informality and counting procedures.